About & Impact
"The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before."
-Albert Einstein
To help create a world where people feel aligned with their truest self, without feeling shame, fear or anger in harnessing their creative powers, to give people permission to let their inner child explore, flourish and delight in all the enchanting wonders of their reality with ease.
To give them tools to manage challenges to promote inner peace and spiritual healing
To let people overcome the troubles of their past, or to use their past to help them achieve their dreams and realize more of their potential, in a way that harms the least amount of people
To help those utilize the full spectrum of their emotions, intuition, intellect in productive and/or sensible ways, if they so desire, in alignment with the self, and in alignment with Nature, in understanding that the self is not separate from Nature, but rather, a part of it. To change with the seasons of Time with grace
To challenge assumptions of what medicine is "supposed" to be, to harmonize unresolved conflicts between different branches.
To promote love, understanding and wisdom.
Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska, 2014
Viola/violin playing/General noise-making
Ergonomic playing
History of Science & Medicine
Spiritual Healing
Health/Wealth Manifesting
Less Invasive Medical Innovations,
Imaging Science,
to name a few.
Favorite Music genres:
Psychedelic Rock,
20th Century Classical,
Minimalist Piano,
to name a few.