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Crystal Salt

A Syncretic Gallery of the Healing Arts 

The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.


White PeacockWill Bates & Phil Mossman
00:00 / 03:34

There are many wonderful systems around the world that have been put into place to cure and ameliorate ailments.


Recorded history and preserved documentation is collected by this curator to show you a glimpse into the art of medicine ever evolving. But if one were to go back in time at the moment these cures were administered, could one verify that they were indeed effective for its intended purpose, for its intended patient? Could one separate the human-administered cure from the placebo effect, faith, or nature alone, or from something else entirely? It is a question that has plagued me, from my statistical studies to my scientific research to my medical student days. 


The answer which you hold in your mind can give clues to what you are thinking. That, if you think it doesn't matter the means, so long as it works, you're a Utilitarian, a Pragmatist. 
If you like to think about the complexities of the question, and tease out the nuances, you may be a Dreamer, an Intellectual. 


It is easy to say that, if it works for many people statistically, then it follows logically that we apply such a method over and over again to as many people as we can (ex. COVID vaccine). However, there is always that chance that you, the individual, may not fall under the majority. Because how can any one person be average? Paradoxically, nature made us all unique in so many different ways. Hence, many people, many patients, fall through the cracks. 


And so, if society has decided that we truly value our people worthy of being taken care of, we try to make as many safety nets as we can. 


From studying from the MD side of things . . . I was told by my inner circle, my world around me at the time that obtaining an MD was the road of best choice to learn about healing. After having worked in the hospital, now, I do believe this is not quite so.


Traditional Western medicine practiced today is descended from Descartes' school of thought of mind-body dualism, a German descendant of, "divide and conquer" of splitting the body into its individual components via the organ systems, to encourage specialization at every level.

Traditional Chinese medicine's approach has been to look at balancing -- balancing via temperature, via seasons, via qi

Those two above statements are vast oversimplifications, but I do believe there is an appropriate use of care for its intended purpose, no matter which system one ascribes to.


When I look at society, when I comb through more texts, consult more experts, I see how those who have accumulated a great deal of wealth, a great deal of knowledge, a great deal of experience... that there may be a unifying theory that ties all such systems together... something emerging in the global wellness trend of today. A secret that has been whispered throughout communities, yelled from mountain tops, published in all manner of communication. Most of all, it has been felt deep within as Truth. It is that all the systems that have existed are right and valid in their own way, and that to be a Master Healer is to be able to understand the fundamental principle underlying all effective treatments for all manner of maladies heal via Energy, Compassion, Intuition, Love, and Light. 

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