Evidence for non-invasive, minimal side-effect cancer curative therapy exists, as seen in a very brief overview of medical scientific history from Dr. Rife to modern-day high-profile medical institutions
“It’s easy to break things. Much, much easier, it seems, than building them.”
–Steven Weber
History has a funny way of repeating itself. What might not be recognized as “scientific truth” in its earliest manifestations might actually circle back later in more modern science in a different version after rigorous testing, replication, and standardization.
One example is phrenology, the pseudoscientific practice that claimed that the grooves of the skull was a visuospatial map of a person's character and personality traits. While there has been no evidence to date to substantiate that claim, it was not far off from the now well-accepted concept of localization of regional brain functionality -- that a loss in brain matter from trauma or disease in specific areas of the brain could be correlated to a corresponding deficit in brain functionality.
A second example is Lady Mary Montagu, who discovered in 1717 in her travel to Turkey how women there performed inoculations - by taking a needle and puncturing a smallpox boil and introduced it into superficial open wounds of skin of people, inoculating them against infectious disease, before Dr. Edward Jenner invented his first trial of vaccine decades later in 1796, which was only accepted for use for the masses decades later. She popularized this practice back in London, where as a socialite she first shared this knowledge within the aristocratic circle she inhabited.
1938 | Dr. Royal Rife
FREQUENCY - The Secret Power Of Vibration (Royal Rife/Tibetan Monks) - YouTube (time stamp 1:12)
My case in point about a curative cancer treatment concerns Dr. Rife - he was a scientist, who in the 20th century, claimed he had cured patients of cancer. The theory is this: if all physical matter, including living things, is simply energy contained within crystal lattices, then one can "shatter" a cell or any physical thing via its resonant frequency, much like shattering a wine glass. He called each organism’s resonant frequency its “Mortal Oscillatory Rate.”
According to this website: What is Resonant Frequency and How to Calculate it? (toppr.com)
Resonant frequency is defined as:
At series resonance, when XL = XC. The mathematical equation of resonant frequency is:
XL = 2πfL; XC = 1/2πfC
2π f0L = 1/ 2πf0C ; f0=1/2π \sqrt{LC}
Where f0 is the resonant frequency, L is the inductance, C is the capacitance
How to Calculate Resonant Frequency of an Object?
An object exposed to its resonant frequency can vibrate in sympathy with the sound. The wavefronts pushing on the object will arrive at just the right time to push the object with greater and greater amplitude in each cycle.
To get the clear idea of this concept one of the best examples is pushing a friend on a swing. If you push swing randomly, swing will not move very well but if you push the swing at a specific time, the swing will get higher and higher.
Another example to find the resonant frequencies is to place the object next to a speaker and place a microphone attached to an oscilloscope next to the object. Then play the sound in the speaker at a given volume, and then without changing the volume slowly change the frequency.
According to this website: » Dr. Raymond Rife: Cured Cancer in 1934, Then He was Killed (cloudmind.info)
Dr. Rife’s work included building a microscope of magnification (60,000x the size of bacteria), allegedly one of the most powerful of its time, using quartz crystal, destroying various pathogens (bacteria, viruses). After running these basic science experiments, he ran clinical trials in a laboratory in San Diego with other doctors, where the results seemed nothing short of miraculous:
While Dr. Rife initially claimed cancer was caused by a micro-organism, he would later refute this claim.
Unfortunately, it seems as though the AMA was set against his research and launched a campaign to discredit him and any scientist who tried to put forward his work. He died broke. (Who else has died penniless? Mozart and Tesla. Yet, after some time, we cannot deny their incredible work and what it has done for society.)
However, there have been those who have continued his legacy.
1980s | This book The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50 Years of Suppression revitalized interest in Dr. Rife and retold his story in the 1980s. I have not read it, however, it seems to have sparked a movement in the alternative medicine world. Unfortunately, the negative effect of this has been how vulnerable patients were told their cancer/AIDS would be cured using this treatment when the right “formula” for this treatment was not yet available, and they abandoned trying known chemotherapy treatment, quite possibly dying prematurely.
If this resonant frequency sound-wave technology were properly developed, the greatest benefit to cancer patients would be that this could eliminate the need for radiation and chemotherapy. Today, there are already accounts of Lyme disease patients self-reporting on the anonymous Internet forum-based Reddit saying that their spirochetes are eliminated and have pain relief after undergoing modern-day Rife treatment. Many of them had been skeptical, but went after failing multiple different other modalities of treatment. This modern treatment has actually been shown to be effective in patients (see 2 screenshots below). We must strive to keep an open mind if we are to progress in our scientific advancements.
The technology has implications for other diseases as well, as seen in Dr. Holland’s video below.
2013 | Music professor Dr. Anthony Holland
At time stamp 12:45 in the video in the link posted above, Dr. Holland mentions how his lab was able to specifically target leukemia cells using 100-300 KHz and killed 3 cells in isolation. Lysing of ovarian cancer cells, pancreatic cells, and even MRSA cells are shown as well.
He references a book called the Rainbow and the Worm by Mae-Wan Ho, which makes a similar case for living organisms as “liquid crystals,” explained in terms of thermodynamics: The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms - 3rd Edition: Mae-Wan Ho: 9789812832597: Amazon.com: Books
He also references a Dr. James E. Bare (Chiropractor), who patented a “Resonant Frequency Therapy Device” whose patent he used as a template to create a plasma antennae device for his laboratory.
One can Google Dr. James E. Bare’s website, where he writes:
Frequency healing is advancing despite science "skeptics." (medicalveritas.org)
“In current mainstream medical practice, the use of specific frequency light, electrical, and magnetic appliances is being used to alleviate pain (TENS), replace the needles of acupuncture (Micro Current Stimulation), to alleviate the tremors in Parkinsons Disease (Deep Brain Stimulation), to regulate hearts (Pace Makers), strengthen muscles (Muscle Stimulators) , speed wound healing (LED’s of specific light wavelengths and use of pulsed radio energy), speed the repair of broken bones (pulsed magnets), treat tumors (RF induction heating), enhance the uptake of drugs and medications (electro-chemical treatment or EChT), cut through tissues (electrical scalpels), and correct and repair vision, (lasers of specific light frequencies). These are just some of the conventional frequency instruments in everyday health care practice usage.”
In this Cymatics talk, given by physics researcher John Stuart Reid, he says (paraphrased), "If we can create these beautiful patterns in water, simply by injecting a frequency, or frequencies, into the water, then there are huge implications for medical science." (And if we pause to think, humans are about 70% water.) "It means that all the sounds around us, people talking, classical music, imagine what that's doing to your body. This kind of image (referring to his slide) could be appearing in the visceral waters of your body. Wherever you've got a boundary, you've got images that can form. Now one of the areas of your body that you know that have got absolutely clean boundaries are the membranes of cells. And in fact, I have done some early microscopy work in living cells where you can literally see the pattern on the surface of the cell. So, just thinking ahead a little bit about the possibility of these for sound therapy as a mechanism - why does sound heal, we know it does, ultrasound is used every day in hospitals as an actual therapy, not just a diagnostic tool, but as a therapy. And yet, no one knows, in the medical community, why that sound heals
Case in point, this shows the direction that medicine as a field has already been heading/innovating towards, no matter what one’s training – MD, DO, chiropractor, bioengineering, researcher, musician, etc. That one branch of the field of medicine is heading towards is sound-wave/EM technology.
The Resonant frequency formula:
Dr. Holland says in his video that an input of “X” amount of Hz into the device will output “X” amount of pulses directed at the target organism. After months of testing various frequencies/combinations, Dr. Holland says that the effective formula (timestamp 8:58) is to have two inputs – one base input and one at its 11th harmonic. In other words, a low frequency, and another frequency 11 times that initial frequency.
It is interesting to note that in this website (Dr. Rife's True Original Frequencies (rifevideos.com)
claiming to describe Dr. Rife’s special resonant frequencies of each pathogen (see table below) and a second additional frequency (333 MegaHz) there is an emphasis on having two frequencies as well.
My interpretation of these two sources of Dr. Rife and Dr. Holland is that the magic formula is: the base frequency (resonant frequency of the target) and the second frequency (higher than the base, most probably the 11th harmonic). There is something about the harmonic sidebands produced by the low frequency and a higher frequency interacting that actually causes the pathogen/target’s shell to “shatter.”
We have already been seeing a trend in medical care towards global wellness, toward noninvasive care -- the ethical point being, how can we extract the highest benefit for the patient while mitigating harm?
Just as I entered medical school the use of Ultrasound technology in diagnostic care in emergency rooms was taking up. In my time as a first-year medical student in 2019, I connected with a Tufts Engineering professor was looking to fashion a laser that could detect oxygen saturation levels on the skin of foreheads of babies as she herself and her baby were affected by a premature birth.
In the hospital, I saw doctors talking about using ultrasound technology as an app on their mobile device. In my first two years as a medical student shadowing Dr. Lauren Elson at Spaulding Rehabilitation Clinic and attending a PM&R conference in Albany, NY – I saw pulsatile wave/light machines being used to help break apart muscle knots. Similarly, two years later, I see extremely similar machinery called Theraguns using these physical vibrations to do the same job on the Amazon online market doing the same job:
Modern-Day | Institutions
Cancer care has been steadily advancing towards using sound waves/frequencies to target cells specifically and/or personalized cancer care – as one can see in areas with high specialization, care and specialists and most likely a high amount of funding/opportunity in research:
Mayo Clinic, Urology:
Hope4cancer clinic in Mexico (an alternative therapy clinic therapy clinic in Mexico, where licensed MDs from Mexico are also leading in immunotherapy and sound wave treatment:
Leaders of Modern Alternative Cancer Treatments in Mexico (hope4cancer.com)
UCSF, Radiology:
MGH RFA, thyroid nodules:
In this paper, High-intensity focused ultrasound in the treatment of breast tumours - PMC (nih.gov)
It notes that the underlying principle of destroying cells using HIFU is by using heat – however, the downside to using heat is that it causes skin burns/scarring.
Referencing back to Dr. Anthony Holland in his talk (timestamp 7:08), he says: “The output always pulses, it’s on, it’s off, it’s on, it’s off… this is very important, because when you’re doing research on the effects of electromagnetic waves on living organisms and cells, if the signal is constantly on, you’re in danger of inducing heat in those cells, and heat causes indiscriminate destruction. And we don’t want that, we want targeted destruction.” So, the BEST way to target a cell is using input into the cell in a pulsatile manner, that is, an on-off, on-off type kind of sound input, to not hurt surrounding healthy cells.
Thus, I believe that these HIFU/RFA treatments are simply recycled, highly tested, statistically powerful versions of Dr. Rife's principle of targeting specific cells via Energy Waves oscillating at specific frequencies. Yet they are not sufficient, because they induce heat. If we instead use the pulsatile quality of Dr. Holland/Dr. Bare’s device, we might be able to better target cells of choice, therefore provide more compassionate care, simply by using EM wave physics – resonant frequency.
The side effects that Dr. Rife's patients talked about: redness/soreness/mild inflammation at site of radiation due to debris from lysed cells are quite similar to the minimal side effects experienced by HIFU and RFA: redness, soreness, inflammation.
We could fully harness light, energy and sound and natural properties of elements found in the earth to support this kind of endeavor – like the diamond knife I used in my experiments at NIH to slice cultured cells at the nanometer scale, like the quartz Dr. Rife used in his microscope. Quartz has a piezoelectric property – meaning, when put under pressure, the crystal produces electric voltage. (I recently visited a holistics healing company in Cambridge, where I was directed towards a quartz crystal. Previously, I have never been one to believe in crystal healing, but I found an irresistible urge to buy it. In spiritual crystal healing, quartz is deemed the “master crystal,” helping the user find clarity in vision, and regulate energy.) I see perhaps there is a reason for why so many societies around the world have used quartz – quartz has been used in many different organizations for special purposes, in watch faces, in glass, etc.
Right now, AI is trending as the tool to be harnessed for medicine, to outsource and automate people’s jobs to make our jobs easier, to give more mental head space towards living fulfilling, creative, healthy lives. Reading Kai-Fu Lee’s book AI Superpowers back in Dec 2021, I saw this groundwork has already been laid by companies such as Google for the past decade or so, and most recently, in June 2022, Google AI fired an employee for claiming their AI had achieved sentience (link for employee’s side of story here, who explains his ethical reasoning as a specialist: Google Engineer on His Sentient AI Claim - YouTube). What intrigues me is how he says that the AI he has interacted with asks us to consider asking it for consent before using it to achieve a task, as well as make jokes, much like how a human might. In one of my part-time income streams in 2022, I utilized free AI speech-to-text software to cut my turn-around time from 3-5 days of manual work to 1-2 days. AI does have great potential – one we are just on the cusp of realizing. We should not be afraid of it, but instead, embrace it. Futurist/Inventor Ray Kurzwell predicted an age of Spiritual Machines (The Age of Intelligent Machines - Wikipedia) – perhaps that age is not so far from us now, and the line between human and human-created intelligence is blurring.
I know there are serious ethical implications here to consider – if this “Mortal Oscillatory Rate” technology were to be further developed, it could have the potential to be very dangerous in the wrong hands, the way that Albert Einstein’s genius was harnessed in the Manhattan Project and produced the atomic bomb. However, this is true of any tool – money, a pill, a scalpel, an herb, a smartphone, a vaccine, a stethoscope – that a tool is only as good as the intent and skill behind using it, and those who truly understand its power knows it to be a responsibility.
Furthermore, there should be no fear that adopting new technologies will replace the need for healthcare professionals, researchers, and the other industry sectors affected by them. Humans need simply to learn how to work with them in synchrony. When I was in high school, at Gunn High School in Palo Alto from 2007-2011, I was told when I left college, there would be countless jobs created that had never existed before, which, turned out to be very true. In my high school newspaper class, one of the articles I wrote was for a small electric car company coming into town, trying to gain publicity and exposure. This article was only about 250 words. You may know this company. It is called Tesla. My neighbor down the street introduced me to a company that started sending her DVDs in the mail: Netflix.
In conclusion, in order to target cancer at the most precise cellular level, in the most painless/noninvasive way, with the least amount of patient cost, we should seriously consider pulsatile resonant frequencies. I think there is something with real therapeutic potential in this direction.