Reflecting back on my life,
and seeing the fruits of my labor,
I realize even more strongly than ever
that it's the why's and how's to the choices
we make
that make the difference.
I have uploaded a copy of my 2018 AMCAS application that
earned me 11 medical school interviews (I applied to 23 schools)
as a re-applicant to medical school.
Please do not copy this, but use this as a
model template to tweak. Everybody has a unique story,
a unique path, and there is no perfect application.
What's important is that one does the best with what one has
at the time, and that it feels true to one's soul's mission,
highest expression of self.
My reason is because as I look at my immediate landscape around me,
I see patterns similar to when I was much younger.
& I know what it's like to have a dream,
I know what learned helplessness feels like,
& I know what it's like to gather yourself up by the bootstraps,
to rely on humor,
and also to rely on much, much needed support.
I am no longer a doctor-in-training,
but every day I try to think, if I've at least felt like
I helped one person other than myself to the best of my ability,
then I have done my job as a volunteer. :)
If you have read this far, thank you for taking the time to read.